March 05, 2010

Joycelen Rebecca Lee

After nearly 21 hours of labor, a round of cytotech, and 2 doses of pitocin - my cervix remained firmly at 1 centimeter. Dr. H, M, and I decided that a c-sections was now the safest route to welcome Joycelen into the world. The decision was made at 3:35 and at 4:25 p.m. - she arrived weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. Her head circumference was 14.5 inches, which is why she never made into my pelvis.
Officially a day old now, she is learning the ropes of nursing (she latches well...but likes to fall asleep before finishing) and enjoying being held by her many visitors. She is sleeping in 2 to 2.5 hour snatches and only fusses when hungry or she has a dirty diaper.
I'll have a more detailed post of her birth ready to post in the next few days.

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