Joycie has always been mild-mannered, easy going, and generally laid back. As an infant, everyone marveled at how calm she was, as a toddler how content she could be no matter where she was or what was going on. As her 2nd birthday approached, everyone warned me that the "Terrible Two's" would soon descend. But I naively believed that Joycie's personality would continue, and that my sweet, loveable, easy going daughter would remain as such. HA!
Seemingly overnight, Joycie began having temper tantrums – and since she is my daughter – she can't do them half-way. These tantrums are not just a few tears and screams. They are full on lay in the floor, scream, kick your feet, cry for nearly an hour fits. A few tantrums and my nerves were stretched thin. M and I have tried all methods of discipline – time outs, loss of privileges (no Dora episode after supper), spanking, etc. Nothing was working.
Yesterday, Joycie screamed for nearly an hour, over seem unknown injustice (She was not tired, hungry, in need of a pull up change, hurt, etc.). She was just mad. M was still at work, and I felt like the world's worst Mama. So I chose to ignore her screams and we went on with our evening routine. I told her "Joycie, I understand you are upset. But throwing a fit does not mean we stop doing what we need to do."
And while she screamed, I gave her a bath, put on her pajamas, gave her a dose of her nighttime meds, and got things ready for the next morning. When Joycie realized that her fit was not garnering a reaction out of me, she simply stopped.
Now, I know that this is not the end of her temper tantrums. But I feel as though I have turned a corner in how her tantrums cause me to feel. My game plan for now is to administer discipline so that she learns that this is not the proper response to life and then to simply forge on ahead with our day.
Okay, experienced Moms, is this a good approach? Any other tips/advice for dealing with the Terrible Two's?