April 25, 2013

Thinking Pink

First things first....I AM NOT PREGNANT!

I have family and friends who read this blog and are hopeful that I'll soon be announcing that Mikey and I are making Joycie a big sister.  And while that day may be closer than it was before...it's not today.

So what's with the pink reference?

While I have shared it on Facebook and in real life, I have not made the announcement here on the blog.  I figured that there was no time like the present.

In January, I signed on to be a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant.

That's right, me - the tomboy who HATED makeup, preferred jeans and sneakers to dresses, and use to cringe at the sight of anything pink - is a Mary Kay Consultant.


Simply put, I tried the products at the suggestion of my dear friend Kathie and fell in love with them. I raved and raved about the changes I noticed in my skin, and how the makeup made me looked more polished and professional without looking overly made-up.

And when Kathie saw just how much I loved talking about Mary Kay, she suggested I become a consultant. I talked it over with Micheal and then signed up.

Since then I've been providing facials to friends and family, hosting spa parties with ladies in my community, and growing my business.

I still have my full-time career but Mary Kay is an opportunity for me to bring extra income into our family. Income that we are using to pay down our debt faster, and income we are putting in savings with the hopes of realizing a BIG DREAM in the near future.

With all that being said, if you are interested in purchasing anything, you can shop on my personal website or contact me via e-mail.


April 24, 2013

Getting Back Into Blogging

I miss this corner of the internet. This blog where I documented the first few months of my marriage, shared weekly updates of my first pregnancy, shared my thoughts on my faith, family, and documented the day by day of our lives.

But I got busy...

With Work

With Church

With my "fitness" blog

And my writing here grew sporadic.  I'd pop in for token updates - like Joycie's annual birthday letter.  But it felt forced.

My days are jammed packed, my spare time precious.  And I felt that I needed to devote it to my other blog in attempt to grow readership.

However, I am feeling unfullfilled.  I started realizing that I miss this blog.

I miss the relationships that I formed thru writing here.

So I'm back.  I won't promise that I'll post every day.  But I can promise that I will be blogging more.

And hopefully, you'll enjoy reading.

April 14, 2013

Sunday Snapshots

1. Out for a Drive

2. Family Easter Photo

3. Joycie and Mama after Easter Services

4. Easter Kisses for Daddy

5. Sleeping thru Easter morning service (she'd been up since 6 a.m. for Sunrise service)