Today's Prompt: Brave
I stood before my 5th grade class - quivering in converse sneakers, swallowing the ever growing lump in my throat, and struggling to make my dry lips form the words I wanted to say. A few falters, a couple of fumbled words, and I began to speak. Minute by minute ticked by as I made my argument for why I - the nerdy, quiet, awkward girl - should be elected 4-H club president.
After the announcement that I had won, my teacher told me how brave I was.
"I wasn't brave -" I countered. "I had been scared out of my mind."
"But you did it anyway" she gently said.
That's the day I learned that being brave doesn't mean you never feel fear or uncertainty. Being brave means you push past those feelings to accomplish your dreams.
It's a lesson I am reminded of daily - as my husband and I raise our daughter. Being entrusted to care for another life, is the most terrifying thing I have ever done. But each day I do it.
And with the Lord's blessing, I'll once again start this journey. After years of fearing trying for baby #2, at the end of summer, the husband and I will ditch the birth control and attempt to enlarge our family.
Yep, I'm scared.
But when our beautiful 3 year old sneaks into our bed in the wee hours of the morning, snuggles her body next to me and whispers "Love you, Mama."
I feel the bravery surging inside of me once more!
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brave ... AND sweet!
"You did it anyway"- LOVE those words!!! And I can say with certainty that each child is an incredible blessing- even with the fears. Thanks for your sweet words on my blog and I wish you ALL the best as you do it anyway and face those fears!
Bravery surging is a great feeling...loved the way you described it! Nice to meet you from here at FMF
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