November 18, 2010

Bigger Picture Moment: Hold her close, let her go

Joycelen has always been a happy and content baby. While most newborns take a few months to settle into a sleeping pattern, our Joycie was snoozing all night long at 2 weeks old (a fact that I am grateful for each and every day). When she turned 6 months, friends/family/coworkers began to warn me that she would soon suffer from stranger and separation anxiety. Not our girl – two weeks after turning 6 months, she practially leapt into the arms of the security guard at my Alma Mater’s football game. And when I drop her off with my Mama each morning, no tears are shed.

But last Thursday evening, Joycie was anything but happy and content. When I got home from work, I sat her down on her play mat, surrounded her with her favorite toys – and went to change out of my business suit. As soon as her tiny butt hit the floor, she burst into tears. I picked her up, checked her diaper, dried the tiny tear trickling down her cheek, and once again sat her down. More tears – more crying…..I picked her up again. For the next hour, my darling girl would scream if I even attempted to put her out of my arms.

Concerned at her behavior, I went thru the Mama checklist – she had a clean diaper, it was not time to eat, not time for her evening nap, and she was not in physical distress or sick. Then the realization dawned, my girl just wanted her Mama’s undivided attention. And I happily complied.

Lesson learned: Sometimes, as a Mama, you have to set everything else aside and just focus on your child in that single moment. .

Last night, I noticed that Joycie’s eyes were getting heavy. M was working in the home office which is close to her room. Worried that he would keep her awake, I took her into our room – thinking that we could snuggle our way into dreamland. For 45 minutes, Joycie kicked, tossed, turned, pinched my nose, shoved fingers in my mouth, pulled my hair – did everything under the sun…but sleep. Finally, I decided to lay her down in her crib. I had barely pulled up the covers when I heard the first snore.

Lesson learned: Sometimes, as a Mama, you have to learn to let go of your child and allow her to do things on her own. .

Those two lessons were my bigger picture moments for the week. I would love to hear about yours, so please link up with Sarah .

November 17, 2010

8 Months


You are now 8 months old…wow, two-thirds of your first year are behind us. I know that fairly soon I will be planning your first birthday. I say it every month baby, but time is flying by. Here are your stats for this month:

•You weigh 18 pounds and 15 ounces and 28 inches long.
•You are now in size 3 diapers.
•While you can wear 6-9 month onesies, your long torso and even longer legs mean you have to wear 12 months in pants and dresses.

You are still a talker – your favorite words included Mama, Dadee, Nona (for Nana) and Papa. You are starting to say the word when you see the person.

Over the last month, you have learned to reach for someone when you want them to hold you, clap your hands to music, wave bye-bye, and give “High Fives”.
You are still not interested in crawling. You prefer to either scoot around on your back, or army crawl. But you get really excited when we put you in the walker – you can zoom all over the place. You are getting quite accomplished at pulling up and I really believe that you are going to skip crawling all together.

This month you also got your first tooth. Daddy and I had heard that when babies cut teeth there are many sleepless nights, crying fits, and other unpleasant side effect. However, we should have known you would be different. You were never cranky, ill, or upset. Mama just happened to notice that you had cut a tooth on the bottom of your mouth.

You had another first this month – your first Halloween. Mama bought you 2 separate costumes. You were a sweet pea at the community fall festival, winning 2nd place in the costume contest. At our church’s fall festival, you were a Georgia Tech cheerleader, while Mama was the football player and Daddy was the Georgia Tech fan. You loved the hayride at the fall festival and seeing all the big kids getting candy.

Daddy and I are so blessed to have you. Your loving, happy personality makes us smile.

We love you!

~Mama & Daddy

November 11, 2010

Bigger Picture Moment: Grateful

For some today is just another day off from work - but for me today has a deeper meaning.

One of my earliest childhood memories is of my Daddy teaching me to place my hand over my heart while the national anthem was played. I can remember mimicing his movements and looking up at him while the trumpet sounded its notes, and I saw tears in his eyes. Years later, I would come to understand why those tears glistened in his eyes. My father is a Vietnam Veterna, and while he served as Military policeman and was therefore spared much of the horror of Vietnam - he is still haunted by his service. Those tears, I believe, are for the loss of his innocence, the loss of cherished friends, and for the grief our country felt during that time. But those tears are also for the other men and women who have given their service to our country - both in times of war and times of peace.

Today is a day set aside to honor those men and women. Men and women who willingly offer themselves as servants to a nation. Men and women who leave their homes, their friends, their families and willingly place themselves in harm's way -- not for the paycheck, not for the glory, but simply because they wish to protect the freedom that has made this country great.

Elmer Davis was quoted as saying "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave".

I thank God that America still has brave men and women who are willing to serve.

So to my father, my friend Kevin, to my youth group memeber Cedric, and to all service members past and present -- THANK YOU! My life is blessed because of your willingness to serve.

November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: First Tooth

Please excuse the snot and drool on her face. She was (still is) battling a runny nose and had just stopped blowing spit bubbles when I snapped this image. I had only been trying for 2 weeks to get a picture of the tooth.

November 09, 2010

Christmas Cards with Shutterfly

Now that Halloween is behind us, and Thanksgiving looms on the horizon, I find my thoughts turning to the approaching Christmas season. Last year, I was heavily pregnant and lacking motivation in terms of sending out Christmas greetings to far flung family and friends

However, this year, I have numerous pictures of an adorable baby that I need to share. But I found myself at a loss on how to include those precious shots with the Christmas cards that I send out. Enter Shutterfly.

With their expansive collection of Photo Christmas cards , I can create the perfect card for our family and friends – one that maximizes the level of Joycie cuteness. And when I and done with that project, I can pick amongst their Christmas Cards for cards to send business associates, work colleagues, etc. Shutterfly even has Gift Tags .

I know that Christmas is still more than 50 day away, but thanks to Shutterfly, I have one less Christmas task to worry about.

November 05, 2010

It's Offical!

Last week, I casually mentioned that in 2011 I would be walking in the 3 Day for a Cure Walk . At the time, I had just mailed off my registration packet. Today I received a confirmation e-mail that I am indeed registred for the 2011 3 Day for a Cure Walk in Atlanta, Ga.

Now the real work begins. Not only must I being to train my body to be able to handle walking 20 miles a day, I must begin to fundraise. My fundraising goal is $2,300. If you might be willing to donate, you can make a donation on my personal fundraising page .

If you are able and willing to give, I thank you in advance. If you are unable to give, I ask that you pray for me as I begin this incredible journey. I will be updating periodicaly with training tales, fundraising stories, and more.

November 03, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Fall Festival #19 - Trying Sweettarts 

M thought Joycie would like the taste of sweet-tarts……I think it’s safe to say he was wrong.