December 10, 2010

Twas' The Write Before Christmas - Day 5

Day 5 Prompt

“If you had to sing for your supper, you’d starve”.

That’s what my sister told me when she was 3, and I was 7. We were riding in the backseat of my parents silver mini-van, belting out the words to My Boyfriend’s Back.

While her words stung, I knew that they were true. I have been gifted with many talents, but a beautiful singing voice is not among them. I tend to either sound like I am singing with my nose pinched off, or as though I am trying to imitate my husband’s deep bass voice.

And yet, I love to sing. I sing in the shower, in my car, to my daughter as we dance around the kitchen. I songs that I love from all genres of music – from The Beach Boys classic Kokomo, to Etta James soulful love song At Last, and everything in between.

My favorite songs to sing though are hymns. Hymns are to me like quilts – they wrap themselves around you – offering warmth, comfort and security.

In the midst of trying days, I find myself humming the tune “Sheltered in the Arms of God…
And soon I raise my voice to sing

"So let the storms rage high. The dark clouds rise. They won't worry me. For I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God ."

And I sing with reckless abandon – which has often earned me strange looks from co-workers. I am also certain my husband’s ears are often aching by the end of song service – but he never complains.

While earthly ears may hear my nasally tone, my wavering pitch, and my uncanny ability to get off tune, the ears of my Heavenly Father hear an anthem of praise, a song of a grateful heart, and that is a beautiful thing.


Lenae said...

I love that you love hymns. I have a hard time enjoying them; I often need to force myself to look past some of their out-dated melodies to their lyrics, where their true treasure lies.

"While earthly ears may hear my nasally tone, my wavering pitch, and my uncanny ability to get off tune, the ears of my Heavenly Father hear an anthem of praise, a song of a grateful heart, and that is a beautiful thing." This is a great conclusion, and so true!

Marci said...

I love singing too..but am terrible at it! But I certainly don't hold back, I sing full blast in Church, completely unashamed! And in the car I'm even louder..atleast there I keep the windows closed. It just feels GOOD to sing..especially when they are songs of praise.

Hyacynth said...

Oh, you know, girl, that He's totally loving every single song you're lifting up to Him. Sing away. It's music to His ears.

Colleen said...

I spent yesterday morning singing hymns and you're right, they felt like a wonderful, cozy quilt. I should start every day with a hymn!