Dear Joycie,
You are now 17 months old….and becoming quite the active little girl. As always, we will begin your letter with your stats:
- You are 40 inches long and weigh 22 pounds.
- You are wearing size 18 month bottoms, size 12 month bottoms, and size 4 shoes.
- You have 10 teeth.
- You are still in size 3 diapers….and I am thinking you are going to be in those sizes for quite some time.
Your vocabulary continues to grow. This month you’ve learned to say ‘No, no, no’, stop, shoes, oustide, ahts –at (what’s that).
You can point out various body parts including your hair, head, teeth, tongue, hands, arms, feet, and tummy. When asked you can make the sounds of dogs, cats, cows, and ducks.
If we had to choose your favorite toy, the Dora the Explorer guitar and microphone would win. You love to play with them, dancing and singing along to the music. However, you love being outside more than anything.
Daddy is in the process of building you a swingset so that you can enjoy the hot pink swing that Nana and Papa bought for you. When you aren’t swinging, you like to explore the yard – picking up sticks, rocks, and dirt.
At school, your teachers say you are very loving. Each afternoon when Mama picks you up, you give your teachers hugs, blow kisses to your classmates, and tell everyone we pass bye-bye.
You are a constant source of joy for us. The silly faces you make, the funny noises, and your infectious laughter warm our hearts so much.
Mama & Daddy
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