November 26, 2012

Greater: Day 1

This morning I began an online Bible Study via Melissa Taylor.  The study is using the book "Greater" by Steven Furtick.  The premise is to look at how we can move beyond mediocre Christianity and live a greater life in Christ.

For me, the study is an answer to my prayers.  I have felt - for months if not years - that my Christian walk was stuck in neutral. I was going thru the motions, the routines, the rituals - wanting to do more but having no idea how to get there.  I am eager to see what truths the Heavenly Father has in store for me with this study. I decided that I would document the lessons here on the blog. My hope (and prayer) is that it helps someone else who is struggling in their faith. 

Here is what I learned today:

"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

~John 14:12

  1. If I hope to have any impact on the Kingdom of God, I first must have FAITH in Christ.
  2. My FAITH in Christ will lead me to do the works that Christ did - sharing the gospel, loving others, serving others.
  3. I can NOT be greater than Christ - after all I am flesh not God.  But I can be GREATER if I allow the Holy Spirit to empower me.  By living out my FAITH and seeking Christ's guidance, my life can make a difference.
Do you ever feel as though you are living a mediocre Christian faith?  Do you long to live a life that is greater?

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