After two full days of rest, the pain in my right side has disappeared. My OB/GYN and I both believe that the pain was a combination of an aggrevated muscle and my pelvic joints beginning to loosen. She assured me that the loosening is normal and that the discomfort should be minimal.... but advised that if anything "felt" different or wrong, we would get to the bottom of the problem.
So for now, I am cutting back on my workouts and adding more stretching to my routine. Thank you for all the concerns and comments.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
I'm glad everything is okay. Pregnancy can be filled with all sorts of strange twinges and pangs, can't it? Mia's positioning pressed on a nerve in my back through the middle of my second semester. I would a get a shooting pain that ran from my back down to my knees...and then nothing. Joys. Good thing babies are so cute and worth it.
I hope all is well and continues that way! I'm such a worry-wart, I would have been in the ER the moment it happened :) I tend to overreact to alot of things....
Take it easy and hope you feel better soon.
Whew, glad all is okay!
One of my girlfriends who just had her first baby experienced a lot of that kind of pain, as well as her abdominal muscles stretching out later on. Not to say that you will be in pain or anything, but just that she learned that some aches & pains are just normal.
Hi, and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some encouragement!
I'm new to your blog, but may I suggest seeing a chiropractor who is certified in prenatal care. He/she should be Webster certified. If you are interested, I have a few articles about prenatal chiro care on my blog. :)
Glad you are feeling relief, though.
Glad to hear that everything is okay. Hope that you don't have anymore of those pains anytime soon!
So glad to hear you're feeling better! ENJOY the appointment today- How very exciting :)
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