Perhaps it is nerves, perhaps it is the final burst of "nesting" instinct - but for whatever reason....I have been wide wake since 4:30 this morning. For the first hour, I laid in bed watching my husband sleeping, marveling at the amazing man that God has chosen to be my partner and the father of my child. As he slept, I prayed over him - thanking God for him and asking God to protect him each day as he goes out into the world to provide for our family.
Around 5:15, M drug himself out of bed and off to the shower. I rolled onto his now vacant side of the bed, inhaling deeply the scent of his soap and shampoo that still lingered on his pillow. Briefly, I entertained the idea of going back to sleep, but I was too restless....full of too much energy. Therefore, while M showered, I laced up my tennis shoes and banged out a quick walk on the treadmill. After 25 minutes of sweaty work, M was dressed and ready to head off to work.....I kissed him goodbye realizing that the next time I send him off to work....I'll do so with our daughter.
Once he was gone, I went into hyper-cleaning mode. I folded a load of clothes, started a second load, washed the few dishes in the sink, packed my breakfast, and even ironed my work clothes. I took my own shower, then got dressed, switched the laundry once again, and did a final sweep of our home - ensuring that everything was where it needed to be.
Now, I am blogging and once I post this entry...I will head into work. I hope to leave at lunch or a little after, so that I can come home to relax for a few hours before we head to the hospital to start the process of meeting our daughter. It is hard to believe that my 9 month journey to motherhood is ending.....but I know that the new journey that I am about to embark on will be even more amazing that the one I am leaving behind.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me. Each of your thoughts, comments, concerns.....has touched me. Either M or I will periodically post updates about our progress. After all, you've been here for the last 9 months, you deserve to share in the final stretch.
Blessings to each of you!
How exciting! Thoughts and prayers coming your way for a smooth delivery.
Best blessings to you and Mike. Can't wait to see pics of your new little one. God's speed.
Best of luck, Kim! I can't wait for your next update.
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