Goal: To deepen my relationship with Christ.
- Develop the habit of a daily quiet time. - In January, I started a study on the book of Provers. I did well finding time to devote to my quiet time during the week. However, I was often remiss and I did not have a quiet time on Saturdays/Sundays. I find this ironic as I have more time on the weekends. I will need to re-evaluate how I use Saturday/Sunday mornings going forward.
- Devote more time to preparing my Sunday School Lesson. - Major Fail on this. I am still flying by the seat of my pants when it comes to my Sunday school lesson. I have asked my MIL to hold more accountable for preparation.
- Find opportunities to serve others - both in my church and in the community at large. For January, I am working on collecting donations of non-perishable items for our community food bank. - Success!
Goal: Deepen my relationship with Mikey
- Devote at least 1 night per week to "hiding out" with M. - M and I have become quite good at setting boundaries with our families and saying "Tonight we are staying home." I find those our the nights where we feel less rushed and more refreshed.
- Have "date night" each week. - Our date nights have included shopping for Joycelen's nursery, double dates with friends, and cooking dinner and watching a movie at home. I am loving date nights.
Goal: Develop stronger relationships with our nieces/nephews.
- Between now and the end of February, M and I will take our oldest two nephews out for pizza (their favorite meal) and our two oldest nieces out for Mexican. Baby niece Kaitlynn will get a few hours with Aunt Kim and Uncle M all by her lonesome. - Check
- We will try and have each of the four oldest spend the night with us at least once prior to baby's arrival. - Two down and two to go
Goal: Reconnect with old friends. - This is the goal that I am really struggling with the most. I find myself blaming fatigue and baby preparations on my lack of effort. I am still resorting to e-mails and texts as a primary means of communication. I need to start reaching out in more personal ways.
Goal: Spend more time with our parents - We are enjoying spending time with our parents. My parents came over the other week to have dinner and see the progress on the nursery. Last night, M and I had dinner with his parents.
Goal: Complete a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio at least 5 times per week. - I am meeting and often exceeding this goal.
Goal: Complete 3 weight lifting workouts per week - specific focus lower body - Again this goal is going well.
Goal: Eat less junk food - I have cut my junk food consumption in half during January. I am still eating more than 1 junk food item per day but it is significantly less that I was consuming.
Goal: Eat more fruits/veggies - I am getting quite creative in sneaking fruits and veggies into my diet. I have managed to hit my target 28 out of 31 days.
Goal: Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. - Check.
Goal: Reduce the amount of "meals out" that M and I consume each week. - Another check mark. Our tummies and our budget thank us.
Goal: Take more pride in my appearance even as pregnancy progresses:
- It would be very easy to fall into a rut of sweats/scrub pants and oversized sweaters as the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy come and go....but that's not what I want to do.
To combat the temptation of being a "slob" - I am going to plan out my daily outfits each evening, using inspiration from You Look Fab and Fab Finds Under $50. . Wake up 10 minutes earlier each morning, to ensure that I have enough time to style my hair (I don't need to default to a bun every day) and put on my make-up (more than just lip gloss.) - Once I started making this a priority, it quickly became a habit. M has even commented on how I have managed to look pulled together while getting more and more pregnant.
Goal: Read more. - I read Tuesdays with Morrie and The Time Traveler's Wife in February.
Goal: Finish Joycelen's nursery. - Almost done, just a few finishing details.
Goal: With M's help, make a list of those "home improvement" projects that we would like to accomplish in the coming year. Figure out how they will impact our monthly budget and "schedule" them over the course of 2010. - Completed!
If you made New Year's resolutions or goals, how are things going?
1 comment:
You're so close now!!! so close! I'm exciting for you.
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