February 24, 2010

Doctor's Visit - 38/39 Weeks

Cervix remains closed......

Doctor wants to wait another week.......

Back to work for me...............


Maria said...

Stay strong! I was induced at 1.5 cm b/c I was a week overdue and my water was "leaking". The doctors are right that the more ready your body naturally is, the easier it is. My induction was tough. BUT no matter what happens-natural, induction, c-section- you'll be happy she's here and forget that it took x-number of hours, or involved surgery. Almost ;) Otherwise, you can hold it over her when she's a teenager and giving you attitude- "Do you now what I went through to bring you into this world!?!"

Kathie Brinkman said...

Has your Doctor suggested doing a cervical gel? That's what I did with Caleb @41 weeks. Then went home to walk and walk and walk. He was born later that evening.

Kim @ Kim and Mikey said...

Maria - I completely trust my physician's judgement. However, I am extremely tired yesterday, so the news that my cervix was still tightly closed was more than I could handle at that exact moment.

Kathie - I am not a good candidate for the gel as my cervix has not thinned at all. My physician does not believe a gel would be effective as this juncture.

Unknown said...

Hang in there! I know how frustrating it can be to not see any change. She'll be here before you know it though one way or the other!