You are now 4 months old.
- You weigh 13 pounds and are measuring around 23 inches length.
- You are wearing clothing exclusively in the 3-6 month range.
- You are still wearing size 1 diapers, but should move up to size 2 diapers by the end of the week.
- You can now “army crawl” across the floor. It is cute watching you pull yourself across the floor – trying to keep up with your older cousins.
- You have started babbling even more. You have started making the “B” sound in addition to your cooing.
- You are still a very happy baby who loves to smile. In the last month, you have started laughing – especially at your Daddy when he makes sill faces.
- For the first time this month, you attended day care. You impressed all of the teachers with how easily you made the transition – they all said you had such a sweet disposition.
- On the 4th of July, you watched your first fireworks display…..or at least you did until you fell asleep.
One year ago today, Daddy and I were still trying to process the news that we were going to be parents. Admittedly, we were scared, anxious, and a little unsure of ourselves. But we both agree that if we had known then what we now know – how amazing you would be – then we would have had nothing to fear.
Our lives our so much better because of you!
Mama and Daddy
1 comment:
She is so stinkin cute! She will love reading these entries when she gets older ;) Happy weekend
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