December 06, 2010

Twas' the Write Before Christmas - Day 1

Day One Prompt .:

Lost Amid the Snow

I have never been lost amid the snow. Truth is, in my corner of the world, snow is extremely rare. In 28 years, I have seen snow 5 times, and only one of those came during the holiday season.

I thought that I had nothing to offer on this prompt – no poems to write, no gorgeous photos to share. I started, stopped, deleted, and re-wrote for nearly an hour.

And then it hit me – I was taking things too literally. So I started letting my mind wander (which can be a dangerous thing)…

Snow ---- > White Noise

A gentle snow is a beautiful thing but a blizzard is dangerous, often deadly. In a blizzard, people can lose their way.

Activity during the holiday season is the same way. It always starts innocently – I agree to attend a party, volunteer to prepare a dish for the get together, or just need to buy “one more gift” – and soon the going/doing/being/buying has overwhelmed me. I am bombarded by the “holiday” and lose the reason for the Season.

Too many holidays I have been lost amid the snow. Not this year, instead I am settling in at home, snuggling under the blankets, and waiting out the weather.


Alita said...

Amen to that! I'm all for taking it slow this holiday season. I'm all for cherishing every single moment of my family. So I get it. I get your kind of snow and I like it! I like YOUR snow a lot. Much much MUCH more than the real stuff.


Thanks for sharing!


Colleen said...

Ooooh, I agree. It's easy to get too busy during the holidays and we have to make sure that we find some quiet time to enjoy just being at home.

I love your take on the prompt. I had wondered what the snowless types would do with the theme.

Marci said...

What a great interpretation of snow!! It makes a lot of sense...the holidays ARE like a blizzard!

Hyacynth said...

Oh, yes. That is a wonderful way to intrepret the snow. It's so easy to get lost, consumed in it all. Snuggle in, friend. Thank you for sharing!

This Heavenly Life said...

Yes, yes, yes. I'm so glad you let your mind wander!

I hope your find your way through this holiday with peace and comfort :)

Anonymous said...

How true, even if I have snow outside my window...the season can be a blizzard!Just not intrigued with avalanches!! A happy holiday season to you.