March 15, 2011

Here I go Again

Most of my childhood friends would tell you that they thought I would grow up to be an author, since I was always "writing another book". But somewhere along the way, my love of words – and as an extension writing – got lost.


  At the end of 2007, I discovered the world of blogging, and my writing was reborn.  I faithfully blogged my thoughts, my feelings, the daily happenings of my life for all the world to see. However, my readership only consisted of my father, a few college friends, and a few random readers that I had met thru other blogs.


 But I kept writing – thru the devastating end of a 4 year relationship, thru my decision to move home, thru a whirlwind romance with the man of my dreams, my wedding, honeymoon, and pregnancy. I blogged diligently about the birth of my beautiful daughters, and all the amazing moments that have composed the first year of her life.


I am not sure how, or when, but once again, my writing has been lost in the shuffle of life. The daily routine of rising, working, taking care of family responsibilities has left me with little time to write. At first, I was okay with it, but now I am beginning to feel out of sorts, less like me.


I realized this morning that I truly miss my writing. That my soul needs a creative outlet – that this blog is that outlet.  So here I am , again, plunging back into the blogging world with renewed vigor.


My goal is simple to write something every day.  I have no grand ideas about what I will write – it may be a profound insight, it may be a random thought I have, or a synopsis of my day. But I am going to write……..because for me writing is a necessity.


And if I am lucky, you – the reader – will be blessed by my writings and continue to share in this journey with me.


Kathie Brinkman said...

Hmm, I've been thinking the same thing Kimberly. I too have dropped my blog for a while--for me it's due to FB. I look forward to reading you again. Best of luck, and congratulations on Joycie's first birthday! What a milestone.

Hyacynth said...

So glad you're coming back to your passion of writing, Kim!! Excited to be here for your journey.

Amy Jo said...

I agree with Kathie...I think my blogging has taken a back burner to FB. It's so much easier to put my random thoughts there.

Good luck to you...I will be here reading!