March 03, 2011

Reflecting on a Year Ago….

365 days ago, I was physically miserable.  My body had reached maximum capacity – with Joycelen taking up every available inch of space. I ached all over – from the top of my head to the bottom of my very swollen feet. A pregnancy that had been pain and problem free for the 38 weeks prior, suddenly felt like torture. And to add insult to injury, my body showed no true signs of beginning to prepare for labor. Therefore, a year ago, our amazing OB/BYN Dr. H told M and I that she was going to induce me on March 4th.  And that night, with much aniticpation, excitement, and a healthy dose of fear, we made the final preparations to welcome Joycelen Rebecca into the world.


Erica said...

oh my gosh! I can only imagine how exciting that last little burst of time is. And now you have such a beautiful little lady :)

Jennifer said...

How exciting! I can't believe our little ones are a year old already!

Amy Jo said...

Oh my...I can't believe it's been a year already! How exciting