May 05, 2009

A little bit work, A little play, A little bit of life

I apologize for the delay between my last post and this one - life has gotten busy for M and I. Now that spring has sprung, farm work is kicking up a notch. M is not only working with his blueberries on Saturday, but most afternoons as well. In another month, we will start harvesting our crop which means M will work to dark most nights and every Saturday. However, I am learning to love farm life - and all the chores that come with it, so most times I can be found side by side with M - whether it is riding the tractor, walking the rows to ensure the irrigation is working properly, or tinkering around the barn.
In addition to working on the blueberries, we have started (along with M's father) planting our spring/summer garden. Hopefully, we will have lots of yummy fresh veggies to eat in the coming weeks. We have planted corn, squash, zucchini, green beans, peas, tomatoes (2 or 3 varieties) and a myriad of peppers. I can't wait to use them!
When M and I aren't working on the farm or the garden, we are usually lounging around the house - which is a nice thing but isn't very healthy as we tend to munch mindlessly while watching t.v.  So M and I have decided to try and get back into our workout routine. My knees seem to be holding their own as long as I brace them, and ice them down after my workouts. No major pain in a week or so - and that was after 2 step aerobic workouts and tennis with M.
Ah yes, M and I are once again picking up our racquets and playing tennis. Well, playing might be a stretch. I am more apt to describe it as hitting the ball back and forth, and then chasing every third one since it doesn't stay in the court.  I think we are going to incorporate tennis into our Friday night date nights, and again on Sunday evenings. :-)
I think that is all that's going on in our world - of course I am probably forgetting a lot. It's a busy life, but it is a full life and we like just that way.

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