Now that I've let the cat out of the bag, I suppose that my readers will have lots of our friends and family have. So I have taken the liberty of posting the questions we've been asked repeatedly, and our responses:
Where you two planning on getting pregnant?
M and I were not "planning" on getting pregnant at this stage of our lives. However, I had stopped taking birth control at the end of May, and we were learning about the natural family planning method. We knew that there was a margin of error and a possible risk of getting pregnant, but we did not imagine that it would happen this quickly.
Since, you weren't planning this pregnancy, are you happy?
YES, YES, YES! I will admit that when I first saw the results of the home pregnancy test, I was terrified....I think it was the realization that I was carrying a new life. And poor M, was too busy trying to comfort/calm me to actually have a reaction. Now that we've had a few days to proccess the news - we are extremely excited and eager to meet our new addition.
How far along are you?
According to my doctor, I am 5 weeks and 2 days. This would put my estimated due date at March 6.
Any morning sickness?
Not a single bit. (Knocks on wood).
Anything else you would like to know readers??
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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